Monday, November 9, 2015

Klimaire mini splits.

Have any of you ever installed Klimaire mini splits. I installed 5 of so back in 2010 and
they are still doing great. I also have one in my outside storage work room, it runs
year round and still going strong after 4.5 years.

I just received 4 Klimaire 9000 btu heat pumps that I am installing in a old farm
house, they look good, not flimsy junk. Hope they hold up like the older ones
I installed years ago.

I am working on a bid for 83 mini splits, funny thing is on the bid, the bidder only
listed the bands he does not want. Two of them are name brands, something must
have gone wrong with those brands with him, because they are good brands.

Any way, I know this bidder because I have delt with him in the past, he is a lowest
bid wins, and when I went and picked up my bid packet, he came up to me and handed
me a information sheet on Klimaire, I took that as a strong hint that if I bid these, I will
get the job, if my pricing is right.

When I say he is lowest bidder wins, that is almost true, I have done some jobs for
him in the past, and I was not lowest bidder, but he knows I will do a good job, and
stand behind it, so I got the bid, but was not the lowest.

Any one have some experience with Klimaire. Good or bad.

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