Friday, July 31, 2015

Hunter 44260 TStat - Need to set for Compressor Protection-delayed start in cooling

Can anyone recommend a website with pro installation instructions or another possible source - in particular setting compressor for delayed 3.5 minute start. Thanks in advance


Moving an outlet and converting it into a gfi

I have a working receptacle that gas 3 romex wires connecting to it. Set 1 is a 14/2 and set 2 is 14/3 and set 3 is 14/2. The only hot wires are the red and black from set 2. Here is how the outlet is wired. Set 1 white is connected to bottom left of receptacle and black is connected to red of set 2. Set 2 white is connected to top left rear of the receptacle and black is connected to the top right of the receptacle. Set 3 white is connected to the top left and black is connected to the bottom right. My goal is tone remove this outlet and install a gfi about 3 feet higher.

Uber Canada’s hush-hush policy is standard stuff, say insurers

It turns out Uber Canada’s $5-million insurance policy, which it asked a judge to seal, is a standard, common agreement, according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

POO that happens at ranges...

This video is hillarious...
Well worth watching:

There is not enough thread left to tighten new faucet

Can anyone please give me any suggestions on attaching the water supply line to a new Moen faucet. I replaced my old vanity top with a new one & also am adding a new faucet & I have run into a snag. There is not enough thread left to attach the water supply line after screwing on the wing nut as tight as possible. The new vanity top is quite thick & once the wing nut that holds the faucet is tightened, there is not enough thread left to tighten the water line enough so it won't leak. Any suggestions please? Thanks

The Ultimate List of Product Hunt Collections for Marketers

Say you want to get started on a new marketing strategy—collecting customer research, or creating cool images, or measuring ROI.

Where do you go first to find the tools that’ll make your job as smooth as can be?

I often turn to listicles and roundups that bundle together a big handful of helpful tools. And this is maybe why I love Product Hunt’s collections so much. Their collections are user-generated tools lists that are easy to browse and simple to find just the tools that I need.

I’m happy to share with you some of my favorite collections, and I went ahead and turned many of the most popular Buffer tools posts into collections also. Hopefully for any social media marketing strategy you’re keen to try next, there’ll be some useful ideas here in these collections!

Product Hunt Collections Product Hunt Collections tools and marketing stacks

What is Product Hunt?

Product Hunt is a website where new digital products and tools are discovered and upvoted by a community of folks like me and you.

What is a Product Hunt collection?

A Product Hunt collection is a bundle of tools that have been mentioned on Product Hunt, bundled by a common theme.

12 Helpful Buffer Tools Collections

1. Create Beautiful Images for Social Media (collection)

Visuals have been a key part to our marketing strategy both on the Buffer blog and on social media. We’ve seen great engagement with our image tweets and updates, and we’re grateful for some really cool tools that make image creation easy and seamless. Our favorites are included here in this collection.

Create Image Tools

Tools featured here:

  • Coolors
  • Pablo
  • Infogram
  • The Pattern Library
  • The Noun Project
  • Placeit
  • UnSplash
  • Icon Finder
  • Aviary
  • Canva
  • Subtle Patterns
  • Over
  • CloudApp
  • Recite
  • Skitch

For even more image creation tools, see our original post on the Buffer blog: 23 Tools and Resources to Create Images for Social Media

2. The $0 marketing stack (collection)

Free marketing tools get me quite excited. I love the chance to explore and experiment with a free tool to see how it can help me save time or supercharge my marketing efforts. The list of tools in this collection all represent free alternatives to popular paid tools.

Marketing Stack tools

Tools featured here:

  • Charlie
  • Hotjar
  • Medium
  • Google Analytics
  • Buffer
  • Sidekick
  • Peek
  • Segment
  • SumoMe
  • Canva
  • Wistia
  • Simply Measured

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: The $0 Marketing Stack: Free Options to Popular Paid Services and Tools

3. Where to Find Great Content to Share (collection)

Finding great content can be key to a social media strategy if you’re into sharing articles and videos relevant to your brand. We’ve found a few great ways to discover these shareable bits of content, many of which we’ve listed here in this collection.

Find Great Content to Share

Tools featured here:

  • Panda
  • Medium
  • Sidebar
  • Flipboard
  • Growth Hackers
  • Daily
  • NYT Now
  • Nuzzel
  • MediaREDEF
  • BuzzSumo
  • Quibb
  • Prismatic
  • Contently
  • The Latest
  • NextDraft
  • LinkedIn Pulse

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: Always Have an Amazing Link to Share: 25 Newsletters and Tools to Discover Shareable Content and 17 Unique Places to Find Great Content to Share

4. Twitter tools (collection)

We recently refreshed the Twitter tools post on the Buffer blog to include the new tools that have come up since we first published, nearly two years ago. The article mentions 90 tools now (90!), and I’ve added many of the top ones to the Product Hunt collection here.

Twitter Tools

Tools featured here:

  • Pablo
  • Spruce
  • Twindr
  • Stats for Twitter
  • Buffer
  • SocialRank
  • Mention
  • TUNS
  • Daily 140
  • Rite Tag
  • Hash
  • Riffle
  • Share as Image
  • Nuzzel
  • SocialCount
  • TweetDeck
  • BuzzSumo
  • Twitshot
  • Filta
  • Twitteriffic
  • Followerwonk
  • Beatstrap
  • The Latest
  • SumAll
  • Klout
  • Keyhole
  • Twilert
  • Tagboard
  • Seen
  • SocialBro
  • Tweriod
  • Twurly
  • Warble

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: The Big List of Twitter Tools: 91 Free Twitter Tools and Apps to Fit Any Need

5. Facebook tools (collection)

We’ve enjoyed coming across useful Facebook tools here and there—tools that show you benchmark stats for your page, tools that reveal info into your follower demographics, and more. It seems that Twitter tools are a bit more ubiquitous than Facebook, yet there’re still a number of great ones here that can help boost your Facebook marketing.

Facebook Tools

Tools featured here:

  • ShortStack
  • AdRoll
  • Agora Pulse
  • Facebook Page Barometer
  • EdgeRank Checker

Tools featured here:

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: How to Run a Facebook Contest, Analyze Your Page, and More: 11 Ideal Facebook Tools for Marketers

6. Social media analytics tools (collection)

Measuring the performance of your social media posts is a strategy that can look any number of different ways. Whether strictly ROI focused or more loosely into engagement and sentiment, you can find a tool to track just about any analytics taste. Here are a few that we’ve found to be quite useful.

Analytics Tools

Tools featured here:

  • Riffle
  • Google Analytics
  • Iconosquare
  • Followerwonk
  • Cyfe
  • SumAll
  • Klout
  • Keyhole

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: Know What’s Working on Social Media: 19 Free Social Media Analytics Tools

7. Customer research tools (collection)

This collection of tools is one near and dear to my heart, as I really enjoy the chance to reach out directly to your audience and get their feedback. The tools mentioned here include survey tools, heat maps, user testing, and more.

Customer Research Tools

Tools featured here:

  • Typeform
  • Heat-Map
  • Survmetrics
  • SurveyPal
  • User Testing
  • Click Insights
  • Qualaroo
  • Survata
  • Usability Tools
  • Temper

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: Get to Know Your Audience: 18 Incredibly Useful Market Research Tools

8. Best Free Tools for Small Businesses (collection)

What makes for a small business tools? It’s likely that a lot of the small business tools mentioned here are also used by big businesses as well. What makes these particular useful for the small biz is that these tools are free and easy-to-use. You can get up and running with these tools in little time and for little money.

Best Small Business Tools

Tools featured here:

  • Pocket
  • Buffer
  • SocialRank
  • Mention
  • Flare
  • Twtrland
  • Nutshell
  • Rapportive
  • Canva
  • Tweetdeck
  • BuzzSumo
  • Followerwonk
  • Shared Count
  • Keyhole
  • Rival IQ
  • Tweet4me
  • Social Bro
  • Tweriod

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: The Big List of The 61 Best Social Media Tools for Small Business

9. Browser extensions (collection)

Saving time online is a key focus for us here on the Buffer marketing team. And one way we go about doing that is with some high-powered browser extensions. These are a few that we find particularly useful.

Tools featured here:

  • Giphy
  • Rite Tag
  • Riffle
  • Social Analytics
  • Pocket
  • Feedly Mini
  • Evernote Web Clipper
  • Instagram for Chrome

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: The 15 Best Browser Extensions to Improve Your Social Media Marketing

10. Mobile apps and tools (collection)

It’s amazing the work you can get done from your phone. This collection of mobile apps offers a little bit of everything for the on-the-go digital marketer.

Tools featured here:

  • Trello
  • Flipboard
  • Overcast
  • Buffer for iOS and Android
  • Evernote
  • MailChimp Snap
  • Mention
  • Asana
  • Daily
  • Aviary
  • Facebook Paper
  • Hipchat
  • Over
  • Nimble
  • Prismatic
  • Flow

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: 45 Best Mobile Apps and Tools for Marketers: How to Manage Social Media From Anywhere

11. Blogging tools (collection)

We’re grateful for the chance to experiment with a lot of different types of tools here on the Buffer blog. Several tools are included in our daily workflows of brainstorming, researching, note-taking, writing, editing, publishing, and sharing. Here’s a collection of our favorites.

Tools featured here:

  • Trello
  • Hemingway
  • Wunderlist
  • Evernote
  • Quora
  • Todoist
  • Grammarly
  • Canva
  • Share As Image
  • Death to the Stock Photo
  • Blog Topic Generator
  • Desk App
  • BuzzSumo
  • Toggl
  • Digg Digg
  • Filament
  • Egg Timer
  • Meme Generator

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: 39 Blogging Tools to Help You Work Faster, Write Better, and Land More Readers

12. SEO tools (collection)

How much time do you spend on SEO for your website or blog? We spend a few minutes per blog post, and this time is well spent thanks to the SEO tools on hand. This collection mentions some real time savers, and they can be used whether you’re an SEO expert or not.

Tools featured here:

  • Nibbler
  • SimilarWeb
  • MozBar
  • Google Trends Visualizer
  • ahrefs
  • Check My Links

For even more Twitter tools, see the original post on the Buffer blog: 21 Simple and Free SEO Tools to Instantly Improve Your Marketing

10 Useful Product Hunt Collections for Marketers

Featured Collections

1. Free stuff for startups (collection)

A fun collection by Hiten Shah that covers 55+ free tools. It’s an incredibly exhaustive list, full of some of our favorite tools that we use every day here at Buffer, too.

2. 20 great podcasts for entrepreneurs (collection)

Not only a great list of podcasts for founders, but also a really useful list for anyone into learning about growing a business.

3. Personal assistant apps (collection)

Looking to offload some of your to-do list? These tools can help with a huge variety of items like research, scheduling, errands, and more.

4. Startup tool kit #4 (collection)

Each of Product Hunt’s Startup Tool Kit offerings has been really great (here’s a link to #1, #2, and #3), and for some reason #4 just really caught my eye. I’ve felt a yearning to try most every tool listed here, so maybe it’s a tug of wanderlust. You’ll note that these tool kits originally were intended as discounts or giveaways, and that some of the savings may have since expired.

5. Tools for marketers and growth hackers (collection)

This list of 34 tools covers a great range of marketing tasks, things like image creation, email newsletters, Twitter content, and more.

6. The 1,000 upvote club (collection)

Looking for the most popular Product Hunt products? They’re on this list, which collects only those products with 1,000 votes or more. Startup Stash holds the top spot with 3,000+ votes.

7. Newsletters you’ll love (collection)

Featuring 25 popular newsletters in the business and marketing scene, this collection makes it easy to find and discover a favorite new newsletter (or two).

8. To-do apps (collection)

For those looking to stay organized and on top of things, this collection has 27 ideas for new tools to try.

9. Tools for writers (collection)

This list of tools covers some really useful products that help with the writing process: word processors, ebook creators, dictionaries, and more.

10. Slack tools (collection)

If you use Slack to communicate with your team at work, there are some really neat integrations that can tie into your Slack rooms—things like brand monitoring, scheduling, live chat, and even Product Hunt notifications.

Bonus: Just for fun

Things for your desk (collection)

I don’t own anything from this list, but I’d love to! There’s stuff here like whiteboard laptop covers, mod notebooks, standing desks, and busy indicator lights.

Become a GIF master (collection)

Talk about an irresistible headline! I’d love to become a GIF master! There’re some really cool tools here like the Giphy Chrome extension and YouTube GIF Creator.

Over to you: What are your favorite products?

I’d be so excited to hear which products you most enjoy.

Which ones save you time?

Which ones do you use every day?

Feel free to leave any thoughts or tips here in the comments, and I’ll get right back to you!

Image sources: Pablo, Unsplash, IconFinder

The post The Ultimate List of Product Hunt Collections for Marketers appeared first on Social.

25 Actionable Social Media Strategies You Can Implement Today [Free Ebook!]

We’re incredibly grateful to have the chance to learn from others and experiment for ourselves with what works best on social media.

And we’re so very happy to share our best strategies with you!

To collect all these favorite tips in one place, we’ve compiled our top 25 social media strategies into a free ebook that you can download below. We’ve included strategies for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and more—all of which you can implement today, in just a few minutes and just a few clicks.

Get your free copy of the Social Media Strategies ebook!

Read further for a full list of the strategies that are included as well as a sample page from the book.

Social Media Strategies Ebook

25 Actionable Social Media Strategies You Can Implement Today

The full ebook includes 25 social media strategies that we’ve pulled from some of the most popular Buffer blog posts. Each of the 25 is something that we’ve personally tried or currently have on our to-do list. In every case, these are strategies that we greatly recommend trying. Here’s the full list:

  1. Share the same content multiple times
  2. Include an animated GIF in “thank you” tweets
  3. Add to your Buffer in bulk
  4. Move your social sharing buttons around (or get rid of ’em)
  5. Use current events to boost your Facebook post visibility
  6. Use BuzzSumo to see who’s sharing your content
  7. Use a dummy account to save a reservoir of validated tweets and updates
  8. Tweet to landing pages with specific asks
  9. Include an image in your tweets
  10. Ask questions
  11. Organize accounts into Twitter lists
  12. Enlist a group of supporters to engage with your content
  13. Find and engage with influencers in your area
  14. Get your team sharing with you and for you
  15. Reserve your name on all social media platforms
  16. Schedule routine drive-bys of your social media accounts
  17. Respond to everyone
  18. Go to your archives to share evergreen content.
  19. Choose 1 to 3 areas of expertise
  20. Use as many of these 7 Twitter bio tips as possible in your bio
  21. Test your posting frequency. Here’re some ideas. :)
  22. Create a 4:1 ratio of types of tweets/updates.
  23. Hide your vertical Pinterest images in your articles by changing their height & width.
  24. Sort your stats to find your best updates
  25. How to show your boss or client the value of social media

A sample chapter from the book

This is the first chapter from the book: Tip #1 – Share the same content multiple times.

Share the same content multiple times on social media

Each strategy is short and to-the-point, with an explanation on how to get started and why we’ve found the strategy to work.

What to do with all these strategies

One thing we love to mention with recommendations like these is to treat them more as inspiration rather than prescription

Use these strategies as the basis for your own experiments on social media rather than adopting them straight away as your new normal.

We’ve tried to keep this in mind as we test out new strategies here at Buffer, and it’s an area that I feel I can definitely keep improving. An example that comes to mind: We often hear that there are a few ideal times to publish social media updates during the day. And every time I hear these studies I seem to adjust my Buffer schedule straightaway. Turns out, few of these best times have ended up to be true for us. Our best times seem to be at non-peak hours or at different intervals of the day, given our international audience.

The takeaway: Test out these strategies for your social media plan, and continue on with the ones that work.

The strategies mentioned in this ebook are the ones that have worked for us—for whatever reason—and we think it’d be cool if they’d inspire you all to try new things or think outside the box.

And we’d love to hear back on how your experiments go!

Grab your free copy of the ebook. And send in your feedback!

Get your free copy of the Social Media Strategies ebook!

Ebooks are a new experiment for us also. We’d love to learn:

Is this type of content helpful for you?

Would you like us to do more?

I’d be so grateful to hear any thoughts or feedback here in the comments on whether you’d like us to continue to pursue more ebooks down the line. I know I’ve got lots of room to improve on the ebook front also, so any thoughts on your experience with this version would be so greatly appreciated!

The post 25 Actionable Social Media Strategies You Can Implement Today [Free Ebook!] appeared first on Social.

New here

Just wanted to say HI. I'm new to the field and started with a company as a tech.

outdoor water tank concrete base

I have a 1025 gallon tank that I need to build a base for outside.

Dimensions of the tank are :

60" dia. x 90"H

Around how deep a square concrete base should I build to support it when full of water?

Thanks in advance.


looking online they have a jb vacuum pump dv-3G very cheap. Has anyone ever got anything from them? I know I should buy local but I'm on a budget.

Toro Wheelhorse deck leveling issue

I have a Toro Wheelhorse 14-38 HXL Lawn Tractor Model number is 71193 serial number 7904563 Here's my dilemma:

The front of the mower deck is about 1.5" lower than the rear. I've gone through the the steps in the manual for leveling. The front adjustment bolts are tightened all the way which is the highest possible setting. There isn't a rear adjustment mechanism. I'm hoping that someone out there has encountered this problem and would be willing to share their solution. thanks for looking!

Air Filter Foam Weatherstripping Questions

I have a question about the foam weatherstripping that is on the downstream side of two White-Rodgers filters I just bought. The foam seal adds 5/8 inch to the thickness of the filter. My box is 4" in that dimension. I'm guessing that I'm supposed to squeeze it in with a really snug fit. I'm assuming the weatherstripping is there to form a really good seal to prevent unfiltered air from entering the system. My question is this: Why is there a gap in the weatherstripping? Both filters have a 3/8-1/2" gap in the weatherstripping seal. Wouldn't the gap let unfiltered air into the system? I don't get why the manufacturer would install a foam seal, then leave a gap in it. Since the gap is on the same corner of both filters, I have to assume the filters were built that way on purpose and it wasn't a worker mistake. Any thoughts on this? Are they really meant to install with the small gap in the seal?

Thank you.
Attached Images

Honeywell Tuxedo touch

Very important update needed, Basically people can go to a website like shodan. And mess you up.

I think those old school time clocks with the pins were good enough.

Questions On Recalls

Looking at used cars on line and looking at the CarFax report. Some seem to have open recalls at least several years old. Do the dealers usually fix the problem for free even if the recall was four or five years ago?

Daikin McQuay AWS chiller info

Hey guys, pretty new to the forum, hope I can help out as well as get help every now and then. Anyway, I have a couple of accounts now that have some Daikin McQuay chillers. One of which is as follows: Model- AWS250BDHEVNN-ER10
Serial- STNU11200091
Compressor info:
Serial- C-114926
Style- 332529361
I have looked for service manuals online, but only come accross the IOM for it which I already have. What I am really interested in finding is the manual for the compressors (service & parts breakdown) and the manual on the micro tech III controller. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, but I thought that maybe someone out there could point me in the right direction.

Ceiling fan remote half working

I have a ceiling fan (pretty sure it's Hampton Bay, but can't check right now).
It has a remote that is installed between the fan wires and the ceiling wires.
It is also controlled by a wall switch. There are no pull chains at all on this model.
The fan has three speeds available via the remote and the light is dimmable via the remote.

After taking it down and reinstalling it following other electrical work, it works normally except the light will not turn on via the remote. I bypassed the remote (the blue light wire only) and it works fine. I can turn it on and off at the wall.

Is it possible that the remote receiver has failed somehow only for the light circuit? If so, is that repairable?

I can't keep it as is because I can't run the fan without the light being on, which doesn't work as it's a bedroom fan we'd like to have on overnight.

Thanks in advance.

I've yet to have a good experience with an hvac tech

Hi Guys-

Honestly I'm starting to wonder if everybody in this industry isn't a clown.

Trying to correct a poor A/C install by the first set of clowns. The issue with it is my a/c temp differential never gets up more than 12F on a good day. A bad day differential is 6F. This is measured at the coil and return by my communicating thermostat. Second problem is that the stat reports static pressure at 1.5 iwc (with an ECM motor). I don't know if this is on the supply or return side but I'd like to get it solved before the motor burns out.

I called the first set of clowns back after the install and their guy came out and gave me some story about "cotton wool" on the condenser. He said he hosed it off then used a doctored thermometer to "show" me air temps at the supply at 50F and took off. Bullsh*t. Air temp at the supply is 63F right now.

I posted about this situation here on the forum and someone recommended I call a forum member, Sky Heating, here in my area. I called them out yesterday.

Their guy shows up and I describe my issues to him. First thing he says he "doesn't do" pressure issues, I have to call their "install" department. He pokes around a bit, the announces that its not hot enough to check the charge. He's done exactly nothing but I have to pay him anyway and he leaves.

I make another appointment for today, specifically requesting a tech who "does" pressure issues and can charge the condenser. This guy is 5 hours late. He shows up, I show him the external unit, and he announces that he "can't work on Goodman" and he leaves!

I'm kind of thinking I'm done with Sky Heating just like I'm done with Budget Heating the initial installers. I'd like my damn $109 service fee back too since both of their techs did exactly nothing.

How does one go about finding a technician who can charge a Goodman a/c without voiding the warranty who isn't A.) Lazy, B.) A Liar, C.) Incompetent, or D.) All of the above?

Seriously I'm starting to think that's just the norm in this business.

Sprinkler - In-line valves

Hey all, so I am looking to convert from an Indexing Valve to InLine Valves. Im in FL if anyone is curious and no one uses inline valves here, only the indexing. Anyways I want more control so I am switching.

Anyhow.. my main questions are about if there are 'best practices' for building the manifold. My main thing is to make sure I can replace the valve down the road if needed without having to re-glue stuff

Also I see Orbit makes these Jar head valves (and the standard 8 screws ones). Are these any good? I dont mind spending a little more if it means less issues, especially if underground.

Thanks all!!

customer couldn't understand why i said he needs a new evaporator.

had a walkin cooler down call yesterday at an indian restaurant. first thing I do is pop into the box to make sure the fans arte running=g and the solenoid valve is energized.. saw the evap coil and about crapped my pants...the Bohn evaporator is only about 10 years old but all that spicy food and produce left in the cooler uncovered did a number on it

Spacing between posts for chain link fence gate

So, I bought a 48inch x 48inch gate for my chain link fence. Everything I read about fence gates says they are made to fit in the stated width with hinges and hardware attatched. So the gate, which measures about 44 1/4 inches should fit in a gap that is 48 inches. Well, I've got the gap beteeen posts set to 48 inches but after putting in the gate, hinges, and fork latch, there isn't enough room for the latch to go down! Is there smaller hinges or hardware to fix this, or something I'm not doing correctly?

Water Source System not cooling

I live on the first floor of a condo building with water source systems in each unit. I've had tons of problems over the past few years and my system runs but won't cool. I had my entire unit replaced a year and a half ago.

1. I know that sediment and calcium accumulate into my unit because I'm on the first floor. A technician verified there's nothing blocking flow into my unit and there aren't any issues with the freon. He said that cleaning to remove the calcium could help, but he couldn't promise.

It seems that he thinks part of the problem is with the building tower, but wouldn't admit to it. What options do I have?

2. Should my homeowners association be responsible for any backup problems I have and require service? (anytime I need service beyond the recommended annual flushing)

Quick changeout from yesterday.

New furnace coil and ac. Added media filter. Wanted to redo return drop but would have been more of a pita than it was worth. Has another RA trunk in the back of the unit.

Couldn't get an intake pipe out without tearing out drywall.

circuit amps for microwave and ac

Is 20 amps enough for a 1100 watt countertop microwave and a 8000 btu 7amp window ac unit?

We have had a 1000 watt microwave on that circuit with the window ac for a year now and the microwave over heated and shut off yesterday. The fuse box did not flip though and have never had it flip. I think the microwave just failed on it's own since the room it's in is almost 90 degrees.

Anyways, it got me thinking whether I'm over loading this circuit and maybe I should get a smaller microwave. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Alerton VAVi-SD

I am replacing an Alerton BTI-100 with a Jace. I am going to keep the Alerton VAVi-SD BACnet VAV controls. Does anyone have the points identification for these controllers? As far as I can see in bactalk the points are only identified as AV1, AV2, etc.
Also, if there are any Alerton guys out there, is there a default user and password for envision bactalk? I can't get into this system and the customer has no information on it. If you have this information please PM or email me.

Deck joist and ledger questions

Hello. I'm working on fixing up my deck. Frankly, I would like to tear it down and have it rebuilt, but the cost is prohibitive. So, I'm trying to extend its life for a few years by replacing the decking and repairing railings.

The original decking was plywood, and was crumbling when we bought the house. The joists underneath appear to be sound, with no indication of rot. However, they're aligned parallel to the ledger board and house, which I've never seen before. Coming off the ends of the ledger are 2x10 rim joists, and the deck's joists are run between those. Additionally, the previous decking was screwed into the top of the ledger. There was no flashing on the ledger, which I intend to correct. But then if I screw into the ledger again, it defeats the purpose of the flashing. I'm thinking about hanging another joist a few inches from the ledger to fasten in to instead. Thoughts on this whole situation?

Secondly, the ledger seems to have styrofoam sheathing behind it. It seems to be fastened to the house by means of about 6 lag screws, and nails. There is no basement access to the house's rim joist in that area to use through-bolts. The 6 lag screws doesn't seem like it's enough for a ledger length of about 12 feet. Should I liberally connect some more lag screws, LedgerLoks, etc?

Again, I know I'm doing a half-arsed job on this, and it's torturing me to do it halfway. I'm trying to buy a couple of years before I can afford a proper replacement.

Laminate flooring and bullnose doorway ?

ok so carpets all ripped up and im ready to lay laminate on my slab with a vapor barrior.

but how do i handle this?

iv got no problem cutting around the bullnose with expansion gap but im worried about how to cover that gap.

doesnt look like ill be able to use trim in this area

what are everyones thoughts?

Whoops... another liberal is called out by the courts...

Looks like another of BHO and co's buddies has been called out by the law...

And when a libbie is SOOO bad... that even NPR turns on them....

Well they must have REALLY been bad!

Delta to Tridium

I have a Delta system and installed a Soft Jace with the purpose of integrating the Delta Controllers via Bacnet/IP into the Jace. I have the Orca software running on the workstation parallel to the Jace. I performed a discovery and the Non-Delta Barnet/IP controllers and some Delta VAVs came in fine but most of the other DSC controllers are not being discovered. We also have some RTR routers. I went to Delta workstation and receive an duplicate network error message. I noticed under each IP controller that there are MSTP, Bacnet, and UDP network settings.
The Network numbers are grayed out so I cannot change any of these network numbers.
It is a 5 building campus with the controllers going to a switch at each building then fiber from each switch going to the main building. All devices are on the same subnet.
What is the typical network settings for the Delta controllers to be discovered by the Jace?
Do I have to set them up as a BBMD device with UDP?


Help with floor joist cutting

Hi, new to forum and need some help with installing kitchen vent ducting. I need to install a kitchen hood for an island cooktop. The bracket to hold the hood will straddle a floor joist. The bracket needs to be recessed up in between the joists and I was thinking about doing a plumbers box but the vent needs to go through the I'm kind of stuck there. I'm wondering if the header that has to have the vent going through it if I could sister it with either one or two additional pieces or use a flitch type construction for it, if that would give sufficient strength? Even putting additional braces between the cut joist and the adjoining trimmer for the vent run. The CFM of the vent requires an 8" round duct. The joists are 2X10 and one of the planned trimmers is already sistered. So the header on the joist closest to the outside wall would have to a have the hole cut into one half of it.

Thanks for any help or ideas.

Refer A Friend And Receive $50

Have you used Carleton Refrigeration Heating and Air Conditioning before?

If so, that means you could refer your friends and earn money if they decide to purchase a new Furnace, Air Conditioner, Heat Pump, or Geothermal system.

Complete the form HERE below to have a Carleton Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Comfort Advisor contact your friend and setup an appointment for a site visit. If your friend purchases a new unit from us within 90 days of your referral online, we will mail you a $50 cheque to show our appreciation. Thank you for thinking of us! We promise to take good care of anyone you refer!


New door would have broken the bank!

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Properly cutting siding on gable.

I am on the home stretch of my siding project I have a 1 1/2 story home and all I have left is the one side of the house that is a full story and a half and the gable above my garage. I am ok with cutting my angles for my gable. My problem is I cant figure out how to cut my gable above the garage because I have the roof below and the roof above and I know that my siding has to remain straight and level and I would have to cut my angle at my roofline but I just cant seem to figure out how to do it for some reason. I know if someone can get me started I will be fine I just cant seem to figure it out.

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Could ductwork behind wall cause major humidity swings, Honeywell 8000 controller?

New Honeywell 8000 controls humidity via whole house dehumidifier (WHD). Controller located over 20x30 plenum box for return vent in hallway from garage, centrally located in the living space. I understand this is the ideal placement for a controller. Controller temp stays perfectly steady but humidity very erratic. Just opening a door to garage down hall causes humidity sensor to shoot to sometimes 78%, thus causing WHD to come on for quite a while, despite humidity throughout living area maintaining 48%-50%. After cooking and using kitchen exhaust fan (exhausts to exterior via hard pipe) also causes humidity to rise on controller, thus kicking in WHD. 1983 built house, new hard pipe ducting, new AC.

Was wondering: if the plenum box for return was not insulated, would that contribute to the controller registering higher humidity? When we have had these high humidity readings, the HVAC tech has put his hygrometer right on tstat and it will be reading the within 2-3% of the meters in the living areas. This is the second controller.

Would it help to add remote sensors in the living areas and connect them to the controller or do I have other issues.

Air conditioner

I just got a new wall split air conditioner (KFR-50GW - 18000 btu) installled and i've noticed that it runs much louder than it supposed to. On my iPhone it says 69DB at LOW (was supposed to be max 45 at HIGH). I know it's a cheap brand and didn't expect it to last 15 years, but it's just way too loud. Is that normal behaviour with cheap brands?

Also, they installed a water drainage pipe to bring water to the ground, but i see a lot of water drops on my balcony. I will call them back, but i'm sure they'll try to convince me it's perfectly normal.

Any advice?


Olivia Chow launches federal run for NDP in Spadina-Fort York

‘Toronto is Canada’s most important city. Only when Toronto is strong, is Canada strong,’ NDP leader Tom Mulcair said as Chow announced her challenge to Adam Vaughan.

Water Furnace make the switch to Aluminum Evaps Yet?

So out at my parents house tonight, because they called me for no-cooling.

<begin troubleshooting><rant-on>
3-Ton WaterFurnace Envision, Evap's been replaced once already, they had the unit lockout once this spring with a 'Low water flow' fault, which from previous experience told me that it was probably low on refrigerant. They had a spring checkup due with the installing contractor (which I was present for), and they checked the air temperature split and water pressures and temps and said it was all fine.

Fast forward to today (2 months later, +/-), I go over for to see if I can get the unit running, zone board has 3 zones calling, outputs Y1, Y2, and G are made on the equipment outputs on the zone panel, but the unit's not doing anything. Green status light is flashing normally. I cycle power a couple times, and get the same response, manually jumper the G to R, still no action, so I look closer. I see that a couple IC's have released their magic smoke due to water running down the board because the installing contractor (presumably) cracked the drain pan when they replaced the evap under warranty. Grrr...:censored: My parents have a spare board from when the zone panel was hit by lightning, so I put that in, and the system comes to life, water loop pump, fan, and compressor come on, several seconds later I hear the compressor switch to full capacity and the blower ramp up. We leave the lower compartment door off the unit, and swing the control box out of the unit to keep it out of the rain from the leaking drain pan.

About an hour later, the space is not getting any cooler, so I go down and check, getting maybe a 10 degree temp split across the air coil, so I grab the suction line to the compressor, it feels 'warm' to the touch, and little to no condensate coming out of the drain. So I put my amp clamp on the compressor, 7 amps out of the 16.6 FLA, and I look deeper into the cabinet and see that the TXV is frosting over.... Damn, I'm guessing another evap coil has bought the farm (or there's a leak somewhere else in the system). I doubt its a bad TXV, as I'd expect the compressor amps to be high from high head pressure.

So with all the air-source manufacturers making the switch to aluminum evap coils to deal with the leakers, has WaterFurnace made the leap yet? This problem comes just about 14 months shy of the end of the 10-yr warranty, so it should be covered, and I hope that they'll replace the smoked board and drain pan as well, which I believe may have gotten cracked when they replaced the evap coil last time...

Just waiting for it to lock out on low refrigerant pressure next, hopefully they'll get the installing contractor out tomorrow to at least add some refrigerant, find the leak, and repair or order the stuff to get it fixed (for the last time?).

Help with wiring outdoor patio

Is one 14/2 wire enough to run power to 2 ceiling fan/lights, a 3rd light, and 3 outlets... or do I have to make 3 separate runs? Do I need to put additional fuses in the box to run it (or them)? Also, if i run from the 3 switches, to the 3 outlets, then to the lights... will the outlets only work if the lights are on? Thanks, in mid project and don't want to burn the house down.

200AMP 240Volt panel multimeter reading don't seem right.

I just got a new electric dryer and I wired everything up and the dryer throws an error code indicating not enough power for the heater. So I grabbed my multimeter and opened up the panel. When I test one pole with a multimeter I get 120v the other pole I get about 90v when I test between both poles I get no reading at all. These readings are from the main coming into my panel not a breaker. Is there anything you can recommend or does this sound like something my electric company needs to address?

Constant Hissing Noise from Turned Off Condo HVAC

I moved into a new condo build in June 2015 (not even registered). Initially the building HVAC system was not turned on, it was still under going the final phase of set up. Builder still had to have the plumbers come in and ensure the valves where in the correct positions.

After the plumbers came, a constant faint hissing noise could be heard from the HVAC in my bedroom. Please note the building HVAC system was still not turned on. Complained to the builder about the noise and they had come and check the system. Afterwards, no noise.

Building HVAC system was turned on, I did not need the AC as the weather had been cool and did not turn on the HVAC.

A few weeks later a fishy mold smell was being emitted from the HVAC unit. Complained to the builder, they had the plumber come and check out the system. Afterwards, the smell decreased (still there, especially in the mornings), but the constant hissing noise returned (louder than before).

Complained about the noise and they had a plumber and a representative of the HVAC unit inspect the unit, and was told that "This is normal. That it will dissipate as more people move in and use their HVAC".

I can live with the smell....alot of air freshener, but the noise is making sleep impossible.

What I do not understand is why they where able to fix the noise the first time, but now they are saying the noise is normal.

Should I be contacting HVAC person to check on the unit?


Anybody know of a service bulletin on the rust inhibitor for ICP units. Seen one where Bryant was paying $195.00

Temporary service being setup for cabin

Howdy, Hopefully I can explain this properly...we are in the pre build stages of having a 40 x 16 cabin built on our lake property. The cabin is one that can be hauled and delivered however due to the location and terrain, it's being built on location.
In speaking with the power company rep, once I told them it was a normally prefabbed unit but was being built and set permanent, they said they won't do a permanent service drop and it will be a temp service, however it can remain forever as far as they are concerned. it will most likely be a 100 amp temp drop to a pole on the lot. I had planned for 100 amp conventional electric inside the cabin but unless I win my plea this friday, it's gonna be temp.
How can I go about plugging in my cabin so to speak? Is there a 100 amp receptacle I can put on the post and then plug into when we are there to supply 100 amps to a normal breaker. .sub panel inside the cabin? I need a few circuits so I want to retain an array of breakers. Anyone dealt with this mess before? I really need to know my options before I meet with them Friday in case this is a deal breaker.
thanks for your time!

5 Ton AC or 4 Ton AC

Hi Guys

I have an AC where the Evaporator coils are leaking. I have American Home Shield. AHS technician is good i feel. He said coils have to be replaced along with the Pan. I currently have a 5 Ton coil with a 4 Ton AC. I asked him what coil would he replace. HE said he would put in a 4 Ton coil. AHS has given a cash out option.

My only concern is that why isn't AHS guy putting in a 5 Ton coil. I asked him. He said he might not find a 5 ton coil or it might not fit. In that case, he will have to replace the whole system. I have a few questions for you

1) Can a guy still find a 5 Ton coil? Mine is a R22 system.
2) Will the 5 Ton coil be bigger than what i have today and might not fit
3) When he says he will replace the whole system, what does that mean? Does it mean he will replace the whole AC?

I am trying to find out if i should get like for like replacement i.e. since I have 5 ton coil , they should replace with a 5 ton coil and not a 4 ton coil. I am basically trying to get more money from AHS. Trying to figure out if this would work or not.

Thanks and please advise

Looking for bulbs for recessed step lights.

I just moved into a home with step lights on the interior staircase. I unscrewed the panel to see what kind of bulb I needed (expecting to find burned out bulbs since they wouldn't turn on) but there weren't bulbs. I can't tell what kind of bulb this is looking for - what you see in the picture is unfamiliar to me (and was to the person at the hardware store).
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Don't eat Mexican Cilantro

This isn't the first story of Mexican workers urinating and defecating on crops sent to America.


Mexican Workers Defecate on Cilantro Fields, Forcing an FDA Ban on Imports

A Monday press release from the FDA orders that imports of cilantro from Mexico must be halted for several months after inspectors found fields strewn with human feces and toilet paper. No cilantro from Pueblo, Mexico, will be allowed into the country without FDA inspection and approval.

Conditions are so terrible for Mexican farm workers, they actually defecate on the very crops they’re harvesting.

The FDA’s findings are gruesome:

Federal para la Proteccion contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS), investigated farms and packing houses in Mexico, including in the state of Puebla, to ascertain the conditions and practices that may have resulted in the contamination of cilantro. From 2013 to 2015, FDA, SENASICA, and COFEPRIS inspected 11 farms and packing houses that produce cilantro in the state of Puebla, 5 of them linked to the US C. cayetanensis illnesses, and observed objectionable conditions at 8 of them, including all five of the firms linked through traceback to the U.S. illnesses. Conditions observed at multiple such firms in the state of Puebla included human feces and toilet paper found in growing fields and around facilities; inadequately maintained and supplied toilet and hand washing facilities (no soap, no toilet paper, no running water, no paper towels) or a complete lack of toilet and hand washing facilities; food-contact surfaces (such as plastic crates used to transport cilantro or tables where cilantro was cut and bundled) visibly dirty and not washed; and water used for purposes such as washing cilantro vulnerable to contamination from sewage/septic systems.

In addition, at one such firm, water in a holding tank used to provide water to employees to wash their hands at the bathrooms was found to be positive for C. cayetanensis. Based on those joint investigations, FDA considers that the most likely routes of contamination of fresh cilantro are contact with the parasite shed from the intestinal tract of humans affecting the growing fields, harvesting, processing or packing activities or contamination with the parasite through contaminated irrigation water, contaminated crop protectant sprays, or contaminated wash waters.

Bloomberg News notes that thanks to the human feces in cilantro from Mexico, 304 Americans in 2014 became ill with cyclosporiasis and suffered from severe bowel problems. Currently, the Texas Department of State Health Services is investigating another 205 cases that took place this year.

How to test for presence of the primer or paint

To make it short, not :help:

I hired a guy to fix some window trim around the house, he recommended another guy - painter to repaint the house.
I bought two 5gal buckets of Behr exterior primer and two 5gal buckets of Behr flat paint, both tinted Navajo White. I think this is my possibly second "mistake", should have tinted the primer a slightly different color so I could see the coverage...
Unfortunately I was unable to see when the work was started, only when it's halfdone.
Looking around the edges of the aluminum trim, I see very little "paint" thickness on the surface. According to the painter he has done two coats, i.e. primer and the paint, but he only started on Friday with one helper and it's a barely 1000 sq ft house, one story though.
Is there some distinctive feature of the primer I can test for? Or can I prove there is either primer or paint on the surface?
I know, I should have been there, but the guy started work on Friday without even telling me he has started :(
I hate to be so paranoid, but I also would hate to have to hunt the guy down if the paint starts peeling off shortly...

Thanks in advance!

Do I need a short air handler? Does anyone make them?

I have a 2 ton attic air handler that is about 41" long with another 17" plenum box on the far end, and the air intake on the other end (see photos). We are looking at replacing the entire system and the tech out today said it would be hard to find an air handler that would fit because most of them are +50" long now. A 50" long AH would block the only door to this attic space (where the light is coming in on the left hand side of the photo) and compress the output ducts on the right hand side even more than they already are.

I am going to get some more quotes but are there special AHs that are shorter or more compact that I should be requesting? Am I going to pay through the nose because of it? Or get stuck with a poor performing unit as a result?
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Carrier Condensor 24AHA4 loud vibration


I have a month old Carrier 24AHA4, which was professionally installed. It worked great the first 3 weeks, but then it occasionally starts to vibrate. When it happens, pattern is normal initial operation for 20-30 minutes, then loud vibration, and after a while reverts back to normal operation. It happens a few times a day (can hear it in the whole house due to the vibration), and can be reset by turning the unit off and on.

Has anyone seen this before? The AC contractor came out twice for this, but of course it doesn't happen when he is here.

Drilling tiny hole into a load bearing jack post

I have a load bearing jack post in my kitchens island. I ordered a granite counter and one way to have it installed is to lower the top part of the metal jack post into the other but I need a way to stop it before it fully goes into the bottom part or else I won't be able to bring back up again.

So I was thinking of making 2 tiny holw at the top in order to fasten 2 screws to hold it from going fully into the bottom.

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Hydrocarbon... future or not?

The natural refrigerants ammonia and sulfur dioxide were the earliest in use.
CO2 was too difficult to use. We then had methyl chloride, which exists in the nature as well.

Freon replaced those owing to its non-flammability and non-toxicity.

Ammonia still continues to get used in large systems for its efficiency and favored over explosive gases such as R-290 or R-600a.

When R12 became restricted, explosive underworld refrigerants based on propane/isobutane popped up. 134a, 404A and 410A were then considered environmentally green. They all live on for now, but all destined to be phased out.

It's now technically reasonable to use CO2. HFO-1234yf will replace HFC-134a in auto AC in a few years.

Now the greenies are wanting to go back to petroleum gases. There's no evidence that petroleum HCs have consistent efficiency merits over HCFCs or HFCs.

HFO-1234yf which is set to replace HFC-134a in auto ACs in the next few years have a GWP of 5 or 6... and efficiency levels similar to 134a. A mixture of HFC-32 and 1234yf/ze can support everything form 134a to 410A and research is ongoing to switch over to 1234yf and CO2

While HCs are touted as natural, I'm uncertain as to how we ought to define natural since this is where they come from. So... why do some view HCs as "the future" ?

hardwood floor over laminate

Recently I installed ¾ x 3”oak hardwood floor throughout most of my home. The sub-floor is ¾ T&G plywood to which I added 1/2 plywood to the floor so I could go parallel to the joists. I have two smaller bedrooms that I am about to do the same unless …. Both rooms have a laminate (Pergo?) floor installed 20 years ago that is at the same level as the sub-floor with the added 1/2 plywood. My question is can I install the ¾ x 3”oak hardwood floor over the laminate or do I have to rip it up?



I am the caretaker of an older medium sized grocery store containing 3 racks and 20 miles of copper. The owners are convinced that adding snakeoil to the racks and 12 rooftops will allow them to compete with a nee national grocery chain. This **** scares me..where is the proof it works? With all the Cali studies..not one mention.

For some reason my account will not let me read the long thread om this amazing cure all.

Thoughts plz?!

Vista 21ip Can't Get Bell To Activate Relay

I just replaced my 12 yr old Brinks alarm panel with a new Vista 21ip based system. The conversion was relatively painless and I have everything working except the siren. The Brinks system used 2 small speakers and because of the placement of those (vaulted ceiling which is hard to get to and would require painting/touch up if replaced with something of a different shape) I decided to keep them and use a Moose MPI-11 siren driver. I do not know the specifications of those speakers - they were connected in series to the Brinks panel "siren" terminal.

After hooking up the MPI-11 I tested it against the AUX (terminal 5) port and the siren sounded fine. Connected to the bell output, however, produced nothing during an alarm condition. I assumed the bell output did not have enough power to drive the audio board - so I installed an Altronix RB1224 relay set in 12VDC mode. Here are my connections:
Bell (terminal 3) -> Relay board pos+
GND (terminal 4) -> Relay board neg-
AUX (terminal 5) -> Relay board Common 1
GND (terminal 4) -> MPI-11 ground
Relay board NO 1 -> MPI-11 steady+
If I disconnect the wire from the bell and touch it to AUX (terminal 5) the siren goes off great. However, when connected to bell, the siren still does nothing when it should be sounding. Putting a meter across bell (3) and GND (4) shows 13.5VDC steady when the alarm is sounding and .5VDC when the alarm is off.

Am I doing something wrong? Any ideas on what might be the issue or how to troubleshoot further? I don't have any compatible sirens to try but I guess I could buy one to verify the Vista board alarm actually works at all. Also the entire system is brand new, including the 12V 7AH battery (which tests at >13VDC with a meter for what it's worth).

Thanks in advance for any help. I called Honeywell tech support but apparently they don't like DIYers as they refused to talk to me as an end user. Good times ;)

Aaon unit 2nd stage not coming on

I have an Aaon m#cc-b-022 2-a-2 with the 2nd stage not coming on. I checked 24v to contactor and I have no power. Checked HPS and LPS switches and both are closed.

Checked wiring diagram and from Y2 it goes to Isolation relay (not sure what this is used for), from there it goes to low pressure bypass timer (I'm guessing if the unit has low pressure it doesn't let it cycle on and off), after that the HPS, and from there a Gaur off timer to one end of the contactor low side. It has an option for a suction pressure switch (which this unit has) and says the GOT is not needed. I'm not sure what the suction pressure sensor does (I'm guessing send info to the system manager). It has 3 wires coming off it. It is not in the wiring diagram so I'm not sure if it can kill power to contactor and it's only in the 2nd stage line.

Any info would be greatly appreciated

Refer A Friend

Did you hear the news? Carleton Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning has launched a "Refer A
Friend" program. Click here to start!

Any literature about "sorti valve"

I was helping during repairs of a commercial refrigerating equipment which contained a "sorti" valve. Does any body have any literature about this type of valve? I tried to google it, but found nothing about it, any info. w/be appreciated.

33 TTC bus and streetcar route services to be improved

TTC chair John Colle and Mayor John Tory announced the improvements that will start September.

Rheem Washable Air Filter - 12.75x21x1

Hi all,

My mother's AC system has Rheem RBHA-14A00NFAA air handlers. The filter is a 12.75x21x1 washable type. Those don't appear to be very effective and I can't even seem to find replacement ones to buy.

I did find these:
Accumulair™ Gold 12.75x21x1 (Actual Size) MERV 8 Air Filter/Furnace Filters. Will these work OK?

The unit is in a 4' crawl space that is not easy to get to (AC retrofit into old house a long time ago), so it involves a lot of squatting, ducking, crawling, etc to get to the filter. My thought is that it will be much easier to just go down with a new filter, swap, discard the old.. rather than go down, take out the filter, crawl out, wash it, crawl back in to install it.

LLSV coil

A senior tech is saying that the coil on a liquid line solenoid valve for a walk-in cooler or freezer will burn out if it's energized while not mounted on the valve stem. I am fairly certain this is not true... i figure it would be similar to having a phone charger plugged into the wall with no phone attached. Havent' found any literature online to clarify this issue. Does anyone have any insight on this ??

Ex-city hall power broker Jeff Lyons dead at 75

Former TTC chair and lobbyist was tarred in MFP scandal.