Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Do I need a short air handler? Does anyone make them?

I have a 2 ton attic air handler that is about 41" long with another 17" plenum box on the far end, and the air intake on the other end (see photos). We are looking at replacing the entire system and the tech out today said it would be hard to find an air handler that would fit because most of them are +50" long now. A 50" long AH would block the only door to this attic space (where the light is coming in on the left hand side of the photo) and compress the output ducts on the right hand side even more than they already are.

I am going to get some more quotes but are there special AHs that are shorter or more compact that I should be requesting? Am I going to pay through the nose because of it? Or get stuck with a poor performing unit as a result?
Attached Images

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