Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Could ductwork behind wall cause major humidity swings, Honeywell 8000 controller?

New Honeywell 8000 controls humidity via whole house dehumidifier (WHD). Controller located over 20x30 plenum box for return vent in hallway from garage, centrally located in the living space. I understand this is the ideal placement for a controller. Controller temp stays perfectly steady but humidity very erratic. Just opening a door to garage down hall causes humidity sensor to shoot to sometimes 78%, thus causing WHD to come on for quite a while, despite humidity throughout living area maintaining 48%-50%. After cooking and using kitchen exhaust fan (exhausts to exterior via hard pipe) also causes humidity to rise on controller, thus kicking in WHD. 1983 built house, new hard pipe ducting, new AC.

Was wondering: if the plenum box for return was not insulated, would that contribute to the controller registering higher humidity? When we have had these high humidity readings, the HVAC tech has put his hygrometer right on tstat and it will be reading the within 2-3% of the meters in the living areas. This is the second controller.

Would it help to add remote sensors in the living areas and connect them to the controller or do I have other issues.

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