Sunday, May 31, 2015

Tool-Slinger's wet and wild assed Memorial day weekend.

Some of you guys may have noticed I have been unusually silent here the past few weeks, but I do have an explanation for this. My butt is dragging, that about sums it up.

We have had a little rain here in Texas. Rain is a good thing because plants and animals need it to live. Farmers need it for crops, and city people need it for useless wasting of water like they usually do on lawns. We have actually had several dry years in the area so everyone would like to see it rain. We have been praying for rain. But one expects it to be an intermittent sort of thing, rather than a FOCKING ENDLESS NIGHTMARE FROM HE11 THAT NEVER ENDS sort of event. My shop flooded a little bit. Not too bad, this place has always been a little leaky, I twisted out of my cot and pulled on my boots in a quarter inch of water, I have waterproof Wolverine Durashocks.... I might shouldn't complain, because I never got wet, but I think the SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH sound of walking around was sort of starting to wear on me. I already live a very VERY spartan life by choice, I do not have hot running water and I do not need it,... but i do have minimum standards and I just start getting this throbbing sensation in my head I will deal with later.

All of this was before Memorial day weekend. If you could have met me, shook my hand and looked me in the eye at that time, I think you would have been willing to swear on a stack of Bibles that all was good and well with me. But the honest [and silent] truth is, I was already sort of simmering inside. The weather is causing AC problems galore, so I just continued dealing with all that on a daily basis.

A little stressful, but I managed it. I got behind on paperwork, that was more than weather issues, but I was behind. Way behind. I was almost at the point where the 'self discipline' necessity of self employment was flushed down the toilet. Things were not really going well for me.

Then comes Memorial Day weekend. My family is a long drive from me. I would generally leave here Friday and drive back Tuesday. I did not leave Friday, I had to have that paperwork done or be damned. I left late Saturday. I did not even want to go at all. Part of that is normal, I never want to travel but I am usually glad after I did. This trip was different, I had a bad feeling about it. It's almost a psychic thing, the feeling is so strong you can just about taste it in your mouth, but you have no way to rationalize it so you sort of ignore it and just go through the motions. I had already put off one day. Visiting my mother, and other family, I sort of had to go.

Rain. I live in the East of Dallas metroplex. Traveling west. West of here the weather changes dramatically. DRAMATICALLY. The storms are AWESOME and MAGNIFICENT. And I mean Bibically awesome. I remember standing outside as a child unable to look away from the lightning struck clouds as my hair was being swept upwards by the tornadic updraft thing. Anyone reading this has seen storms and you probably think you get it but you are dead wrong. Not even close, other storms in other places are not the same thing. I am not talking only tornadoes,... the lightning, the downpours, the wind, the hail,... it is amazing in that area. "we get tornadoes here" , but you do not have that incredible weather.

So I traveled west during a stormy season, what could possibly go wrong. I hit some hard rain, not too bad. Got most of the way there then got a call saying the electricity was out. I got to the family farm, got soaked talking to the power company guy, I couldn't actually get past the driveway because 2 power line poles were broken off in the previous wind-storm and the lines were about 3 feet off the ground over the driveway. Cannot reach the house. I am now cold, wet, thirsty, and hungry. Fortunately, my Ford has an awesome stereo and I did have the presence of mind to bring plenty of beer and CDs for just such an emergency. It's all about being prepared at the end of the day. So I sat in the driveway and drank and sang a little. I think I have a pretty good voice, nothing remarkable, but I can carry a pretty good tune..

I ain't got no. no no no. hey hey hey.

Well the electric company eventually got the lines cranked up so I could drive through. Having already bypassed motel6 already, and I could not legally drive now, I got to the house and found out they did not have any tap water. yup. No water, no electricity, 7 or 8 people in the house. At least motel6 could have kept the light on for me.

Little did I know at the time, my terror of tribulations had only just begun.

I am going to bust this into a reply because i think it may be too long a story.

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